3 Tone Music By Brett Bilbrey The tape is marked as "3 Tone Music" by Brett Bilbrey. It plays a brief tune from Star Wars. The "3 Tone Music" program starts with some machine language stuff, which the program doesn't translate to text, then this: 13 CLEAR 14 NT=0 15 &(16)=49;&(21)=15;&(22)=136 16 T=2 17 .CHANGE T TO VARY SPEED OF SONG 20 FOR C=-24573TO -24498STEP 4 30 &(17)=%(C)÷256+127;&(18)=%(C+1)÷256+127;&(19)=%(C+2)÷256+127;FOR D=1TO (%(C+3)÷255+127)×T 31 NEXT D 40 NEXT C 50 &(21)=0;&(22)=0;&(16)=0;&(17)=0;&(18)=0;&(19)=0;NT=3 70 RUN On March 14, 2009, Brett Bilbrey comments: "3 Tone Music" was one of my music programs. The machine language stuff is the stored song. I used to code the songs in binary because if was more efficient for storage. And I can't seem to find any listings in my box of stuff of this version (but I think there is another box of Bally stuff still in the attic, or I gave it away, don't remember...) Anyway... C points to where the song is stored in memory (I think) "IF" I remember correctly, the song was stored as three notes and a duration 16 was the master osc register (need to find my notes to be sure) 17, 18 and 19 are the tone registers D was the duration Line 50 returned everything to 'normal' so sounds would be right for basic. Hmmm, can't remember what 21 and 22 did off the top of my head... But I think they set the volume of the tone registers... And something else... God I'm getting old... sigh. Basically, you would grab three notes and a volume and stuff them in the music registers and continue till the song was done. I remember Marion Nalepa translating the musical notes for Star Wars. I encoded that into binary data, and 'packed' the data into data strings. Strangely, that data should have been strings in the basic program... Hmmm... Not sure why the program starts at 13, I usually started all my programs at 10. So I imagine there is a 10, 11 and 12 line missing... So much for use to doing this stuff in my head... I should have written more notes down... ;-)